Dota 6.69b map release with a long list of change-logs. The basic purpose of those huge change-logs was to make Dota 6.69b map a stable version in which fans can have a better gaming experience. But last not least like every series bugs are occurring in the current Dota 6.69b version. Although these aren't game breaking bugs or something which may harm team playing a competitive tournament. But these bugs need to be fixed in the upcoming version which is most likely to happen.
Bug #1 :
Sylla Bear Bug with 2 Summon Units
The videos above clearly shows that the Sylla Bear can have a couple of bears by killing Roshan and giving aegis to his bear and denying him and in the meanwhile you have to spawn the one more Bear from your spell then you can have a pair of bears.
Bug #2
Linkin Sphere without cooldown Bug
Linkin Sphere bug is quite an easy one because you just have to buy an Yasha and convert it into Manta and by using manta in the above shown manner will provide you cooldown free Linkin Sphere.
Surely fans won't be happy by seeing these bugs but these can also be considered as tricks. So have fun playing Dota Allstars and keep visiting here to check the latest updates.
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