Dota 6.60 | Dota 6.60 Map | Dota Allstars v6.60.w3x

Dota Allstars 6.60 is released. Tauren Chieftain in Dota 6.60 introduced. Let's see if any news, upates and any beta map leaks I will post it here. You may also contribute in sharing Dota 6.60 leaked Infomartion, beta maps of Dota 6.60 :D. This post is also for Dota 6.60 AI Map.


Anonymous said...

when will official dota 6.60 release, i heard a rumour that icefrog will release dota 6.60 this this march

Anonymous said...

I have found a guide of Taren Chieftain on Dota 6.60 is it leaked or something??? ~x(

Anonymous said...

zzzzz noobs icefrog said that dota 6.60 will be the last version of dota series


Anonymous said...

Criminal dude, i don't think that icefrog will stop making dota after dota 6.60.. You are wrong simply


Anonymous said...

i have the beta map of dota 6.60 :), i can share if u give me 10 bucks :D

Anonymous said...

@ IceFrog, hahah so funny but none will give u 10$ for the dota 6.60 beta map. Anyway Dota is free of cost

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will never give 10$ for the beta map of dota 6.60 ... GO TO HELL DON'T SELL

Anonymous said...

same here " Dota is OpenSource "

Anonymous said...

dota 6.60 beta

Anonymous said...

" Dota is OpenSource "
Dota is Open Binary, you can't edit the dota source.

Anonymous said...


SinnerSynx said...

Well, I am waiting to play Tauren chieftain in Dota 6.60 :)

Anonymous said...

Dota 6.60 News . dota 6.60 news, dota 6.60 updates, dota 6.60 whats new, dota 6.60, dota 6.60 ai, dota ai map, dota allstars, dota 6.60 map, dota allstars, getdota 6.60, warcraft 3, dota 6.60 changelogs, dota-allstars changelogs, dota 6.60b changelogs, dota 6.60 quest, dota 6.60 ai, dota quest, 6.60 .w3x, dota 6.60 map, 6.60 tauren chieftain,6.60

Anonymous said...

release 6.60 now.^^

Anonymous said...

guys!! lets be patience for releasing of new maps dota 6.60 lets be patient and wait for the upcoming maps!! *WINK =-=-=intoy20

Anonymous said...

The Dota 6.60 will be released on FEB.25.2009!!! According to a reliable source it will be on that day.. The beta map has new hero.. The Chieftain for sentinel... There would be some item change and a nerfed Axe!!!

Anonymous said...

I have write an e-mail to icefrog and he tall me that he prefrer not to release the map. After that he want to be sure that the new map will be funny and be aproved for the BETA TESTERS so pls dont expanct any rumour of the map release date =)

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

hello, I am icefrog if you want the map you have to pay me 10 dollars.

Anonymous said...

dota 6.60 will be release on 25 february of 2009

Anonymous said...

Icefrog "may" stop making Dota Maps B/c he's making an official game to release. Based on the gameplay of Dota. -Name League of Legends

SinnerSynx said...

Eul's and Guinsoo are making League of Lengends, IceFrog is not involved in it.

Anonymous said...

i think that u say things that arent based t fact... how do u know that dota 6.60 will be released at the 25th????and how the hek can u speak about what icefrog is planning to do??? u are less than thick.....

Anonymous said...

I just had sex with IceFrog, and when we were lying in bed afterwards, he told me all about DotA 6.60. It will be glorious!

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

IceFrog said that 6.60 will be out on December 21, 2012. I trust his decision!

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

pak u all

jess ramirez
16 years old manila philippines

dota na lng! mga noob!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i am a dota player from year 2098.
the curent dota map version here is 6.59z.
have fun and wait for dota 6.60.

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

What changes can we expect from this map excluding the addition of a new hero?

Anonymous said...

I love timecube.

Anonymous said...

how true

Euan said...


Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WTF!!! its so easy to get a beta map you idiot! i can share mine for free just add at my yahoo! or if you want you can sign up as a beta testera at

Anonymous said...

Hi i have 6.60 beta test sladar has been remaked and razor, ogre magi, lone druid, lich, dark seer and have a new agi item

Anonymous said...

can u post the download link here ? can u share the beta map with us ? tht is the million dollar question .. cause if u cant then its no use ...

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

Guys.. Just wait.. It will be out soon.. -Dota 6.60 beta tester

Anonymous said...


y the hell r u guys so crazy about 6.60?-.- like ur dota standard will improve..

Anonymous said...

how true

Anonymous said...

Sheshe. Do you have mental disabilities? Or are you just stupid? b-( How true? As true as Kardel's ultimate is Assasinate.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was a long spam.

Anonymous said...

well.... that was one mega spam....

now be calm n chill.....

it will take a month or so...

cuz he needs to get things done correctly in that map..

so you should wait,,,,,,,,,,, ^^

Anonymous said...

common they said that dota 6.60 will be released today... anyone can share me dota 6.60 beta plz

Anonymous said...

who have dota 6.60 beta email me plz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6.60 :)] :)] :)] :)] :)] :)] :)] :)]

Anonymous said...

please add a dota 6.60 to website

Anonymous said...

plx nerf mortred and axe's dot

yggdra777 said...

the 6.60 beta version is really new

the scourge and sentinel taverns are now joined together in one place...

but tauren chieftain's skills are not created...


Anonymous said...

god dammit ice frog needs to make this fucking map already

Anonymous said...

I think icefrog is frozen.....he is allllll iced up.....

Anonymous said...

i think the dota maps makers is on ice of summer!~!@... hahaha, please make it faster so we can play new maps, icefrog noobs!!???!?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bored aussies for life :D Name_spoof and ruthl3ss own ur mums in bed :DD:

Anonymous said...


Is there a new batrider hero in the map?

Anonymous said...

Yeah....there are 2 heroes ....Tauren Chief...and Batrider :)
but in this beta version Tauren chief don't have any skills,...only ultimate ..but if you activate the gives you error ...
Batrider is so so good hero...he's skills aren't very strong...some of them don't work in the beta version ....however ...still I think he is an interesting hero....

Anonymous said...

Fuck!!! where is 6.60 map?I heard it release on march but its April already.That 6.60 leaked map is really frustrating.Better don't than do have one. Its really suck suck suck.

Anonymous said...

Name_spoof is noob as a grandma naked trying to work out where a book goes in a library... Truly FattyBomba Owns your face with his shit as noob quality moves still being better than Name_spoof by 1%.

POsted by mikkyb come vs me on Ba ill own your face

Anonymous said...

DOTA 6.60 was released!!!! happy playing!
GO TC!!!

Anonymous said...

can i download in epic war?

Anonymous said...

when would it be released???
i cant wait.....

ph@nT0m said...

yea man i can't w8 for it either 2 months man we r w8in icefrog got to release map in april its 17th of arpil now plz release it the beta luks so awesum think what will be the real one 2 new heroes 1 new rcp 1 new item

Anonymous said...

i will shit on all your faces

Anonymous said...

I am crying right now out of frustration.

Anonymous said...

dota 6.60 release december 2012 , end of world

FranK said...

you b4astarD

Anonymous said...

Im really gonna miss 6.59 once this version comes out. this current gamestate is nice and i dont want to change my strategies

Anonymous said...

ur strategies suck dick anyway

Anonymous said...

OK ...dude...there are 2 new heroes , 2 new items : BatRider : incinerate (dunno what it does), sticky napalm (puts a bomb on creep/hero which lasts for like 20 seconds and blasts everyone arround that targer like 400-500 range when triggered by batrider) ,firefly (u can fly over trees and everything, u have better visibility and u let some flames behind u with dmg/sec and u cut off the trees when u fly over them) ,and the ultimate called flaming lasso (lasoo) dunno which makes u able to drag a target for like 3-4-5 seconds(6/11/16)
And tauren chieftain : battleroar (like axe's Call but pushes enemies arround him for like 400-500 range ),Honor before death (he gets ms and att speed based on how much his target is running->like 1% per 100 units moved),*dunno name* (it's an aura which gives allied heroes arround him 20% bonus primary attribute) and the ultimate which pushes a target for 1300 range does 20 dmg /100 units moved, 300 dmg and like 3-4 seconds stun,ya'll know
And the 2 new items :
Force staff: it's made from quarter staff(900) , and staff of wizardry (1000) and the recipe which costs 800 g -> it gives 10% att speed , 10 int , 10 dmg and the ability to push an unit 500 range in the direction it's heading at the casting moment (works on heroes too)
And u know magic stick ? the thingy that charges every time a enemy hero casts a spell and when u use it gives 15 hp and mana for each charge *up to 10* ...well now u can combine it with 3 *dunno name* things for +1 each stat (costs 57 g) and the recipe which costs like 100-200 g it does the same thing just that it adds +3 all stats (seems bullshit to me) a
Anyway enjoy it u have an ideea about the 6.60 map which i hope it comes out sooner ...Gl DotA players :))

Anonymous said...

no one likes people with leaked version. why would u sign up for beta testing if you just leak it. makes it boring for the rest of us. disappoints IceFrog alot as well. Gay. read his blog

Anonymous said...

i agree with this 'Anonymous'. I like your attitude. "Gay" and "read his blog" :D

Anonymous said...

who got 6.60beta map.Pls pls sent to my

Anonymous said...

LoL, u know that batrider is fun tavern hero in AI maps

SheShe said...

How True.

fgefe said...

icefrog sux... 3 mount release dota 6.60... first date will be 24 mart? current date is 23? what the fuck...

Anonymous said...

iceFrog cmon... WTF are u waitin!?

Anonymous said...

wer cn I find 6.60 map?!!

Anonymous said...

Be patient pliss... cz the God will give u a thousand of miracle... :-)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
troll said...

6.60 beta kinda sucks....i`d rather wait for the release of real 6.60 map

Anonymous said...

Ice Frog is my friend,

he said dat the 6.60map will be release on.....

April 30, 2010....!!!!!

buLL ShiTT, Ice Frog!!!!!

just kidin^^

peace.... ^^V

Richard Burns said...

why are you so interested with the 6.60?

i'll share my 6.60b map for free.....

with major bugs fixed...

Anonymous said...

Wonder what powers the rumored Tauren Chieftain has...

Anonymous said...

I wonder what will the map look like and I would like new modes to be added. I'm very excited about DOTA 6.60's release.

Anonymous said...

What's taking it so long?... please icefrog release it before this week ends... because I'm so excited about this version!...

Anonymous said...

its not cmng out till 2051 -_-

Anonymous said...

mga walawents kayo no match kayo saken sa dota
!! add nyo ko sa garena eto un ko ^|c00000000fire

Anonymous said...

your all mother fuchers!! all of you are no match to me!!! fuck a goat you shit!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

me pro u nub thats life

Anonymous said...

DAPAT S bagung ^.^) may skill na 1 hit pra msaya.....

Anonymous said...

bodoh la korang ni. mencarut2 pulak. koya sedak ko menate. gocoh ko?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

find me in skype i can send you 6.60

Anonymous said...

IceFrog pls change the gay shit with aghanims scepter

Xd said...